The courses at the Institute are carried out through semester system as per curriculum designed by our experts. In the First year the students are introduced to the broad aspects of humanities, quantitative techniques and major areas of management and computers. This consists of foundation and functional courses required for the understanding of the interdependence of the functional areas and help in developing analytical skills related to their studies.
Summer Training/Projects offer the students an opportunity to supplement their academic study with professional job experience. The programme provides many benefits as it provides the students a chance to apply their knowledge to real life situations while at the same time help them learn 0how organizations work and other intangibles like organization, culture, value work environment, channels of communication, cross functional dependencies etc. The student is exposed to a combination of core and elective courses.
In order to enhance management acumen, in additions to the industrial visits students shall be allotted subject specific projects in various industries and conduct surveys under the supervision and guidance of the faculty. As a part of the pedagogy these surveys and interaction with industries help the students to get the practical exposure. Moreover students become aware about the problems of industry and their recommendations help the Industry to find out the viable solutions.